
Learning languages is fun!

About Champolu

We develop language learning apps and resources for adults and children. Our approach is based on Champolu Method, which breaks language learning challenges into simple elements. We use web technology, AI and gamification to make the language learning process more fun and effective.   Learn More

Apps and Games


ALIF: Arabic Language Is Fun! A platform for learning different Arabic skills. It includes innovative apps to help you learn Arabic reading, writing, listening and speaking. In addition, it contains PDFs and audiovisual materials to help you learn grammar and vocabulary.

Chinese Language Learning

Hao Wan

This interactive game allows you to learn the top 100 most frequent characters in Mandarin Chinese, together with their pin-yin equivalents, and their sound recordings. It also includes sentence examples, which are color matched to facilitate learning words, phrases and structure of the language. Learn More


In this game, you play as Fluve, an alien coming to earth to learn its languages. You first choose a language from: Arabic (Egyptian), French, Greek, Spanish, Russian.  Then you play different levels, with the goal to collect the words needed to build phrases and sentences. Learn More

Language Learning Games
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More Apps

There are more apps for mastering certain elements of the language, such as handwriting in Arabic and Chinese, pronunciation of Chinese tones and of Arabic sounds.


Basic Arabic Reading

This Udemy Courses introduces you to the basics of reading Arabic. It includes an introduction to the letters and their sounds and shapes, all the way up to recognizing letters and reading words. Learn More

Arabic reading course, Learn Arabic Writing, Language Learning Udemy Courses

Learning Materials

Learn More through free language learning materials, including courses, interactive slides, pdfs, videos and more!

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