Free Materials for Learning Arabic

At Champolu, we provide a lot of free materials to help you learn Arabic. In this article, you can find a list of the free materials we have. Indeed, you don’t have to pay a lot of money (or any money) to get started to learn Arabic.

List of Free eBooks to learn Arabic

  • Arabic Cheat Sheet: This is a good starting point to the grammar of Modern Standard Arabic. It covers many topics with many examples and visualizations. It has an interactive version, where you can listen to the example. Also, you can download it as a PDF file from here.
Arabic cheat sheet content- list of topics
  • Arabic Reading Guide: If you cannot read Arabic script, this guide can help you. It explains all the alphabet and diacritics, and helps you sound out Arabic words. Download from here.
  • Word of the day: You need to keep working consistently on building your vocabulary. These word of the day Facebook posts help you with a new word each day.
  • Vocabulary sheets: These are different sheets to learn vocabulary for different topics, in different varieties of Arabic. This is a sheet for basic vocabulary of Modern Standard Arabic.
  • Word of the day: Here you can find a list of word of the day posts, that we publish on our Facebook page.
  • Noun Phrases in Arabic: One of the things that shows your command of grammar is how to build a noun phrase. This interactive lesson helps you get a full understanding on noun phrases, and how to build and understand them.
  • Which Arabic to learn Guide: Arabic has different varieties. There is Modern Standard Arabic and many dialects in different Arab countries. This guide helps you understand the difference and know what and how to learn. (Coming Soon)

List of Free Arabic Learning Apps

You cannot learn a language without practice and consistency. Therefore, one of our goals is to build apps that can help you with this to learn more effectively. Here is a list of our apps:

  • ALIF (Arabic Learning Is Fun): ALIF helps you learn Arabic reading, vocabulary, verbs and grammar in a methodological and fun way. You can go to the app here. It is still in the development phase, so your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Arabic Word Search: To polish your vocabulary and reading skills, you can play this simple game. Each word search has a theme, where you need to find.

List of Free Videos to learn Arabic

You can learn a lot by watching a video. Here are some of the playlists we have. In these playlists, you can get more skills in Arabic reading, grammar, and listening to actual media. For more, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Arabic Reading Video Playlist
Arabic Grammar Playlist
Alice videos with Arabic and English subtitles

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